Theressa was asked by Global TV to carve a pumpkin on their live Morning Edition show on Friday, Oct 30. The biggest problem besides finding a suitable pumpkin and figuring out what to carve was … the show started at 6:00am. That meant getting up at the awful time of 4:30am and that just about caused Theressa to cancel. Just kidding, afterall it was for art.
The carve went very well and she had 3 hours to complete it. They wanted to reveal the finished carving at 8:55am. Like a pro, she finished a few minutes ahead of schedule. There were plenty of distractions such as the weather guy, Kevin Stansfield, making 6 costume changes throughout the morning. Also the host/anchor, Lisa Dutton, stopped the carving so that she could interview Theressa.
Theressa did great and looked great on TV. Well done from a biased team mate.
Here is the finished pumpkin … Clearing out the Cobwebs.
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