Well, like John Candy and Steve Martin experienced a wild assortment of transportation types on their trip home in the movie with the same title, Frosty Tidbits has some interesting travels ahead of them.
Theressa and Terry fly from Saskatoon to Winnipeg (Carole joins the trip) to Montreal to Belgium to Venice. Then we hop on the train to Pontebba. Four days later we return to Venice and fly to our next destinations. Carole returns to Winnipeg via Munich and Toronto. Theressa and Terry fly to Kiruna via Frankfurt and Stockholm. Five days later we fly back to Stockholm then to Saskatoon via Munich and Toronto.
Flights: 11 — Airports: 10 — Airlines: 4 — Trains: 2 — Countries: 5
All of this in just 12 days. We hope to get some sightseeing done while there.
Click here to see maps of where we are going.
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